I've built a few simple ball valve guns, and now my goal is to create a semi automatic 6mm gun. After looking around I decided a QEV and a slide valve with a main reservoir and a firing chamber was the best solution. I built my QEV from this picture:
http://images4.hiboox.com/images/3308/0 ... 6028f8.jpg
but from iron fittings instead of brass.
My issue is that the piston seals, but does not slide back when I vent the gun.
I just step down the T to a schrader for filling and venting right now, and I have tried 3/4" x 4" and x 8" firing chambers to no avail. All the air still vents out the schrader (as soon as I disconnect the air supply from my compressor the schrader vents). I've tried from 20 to 90 psi. The piston is a cylinder of thick rubber (3-4mm or so). There is very little space for air to flow past the piston to the firing chamber, so I don't understand why is isn't being pulled back when I vent it.