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Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:44 pm
by frankrede
Hmm that would take a long ass time to fill up with a bike pump!LOL jk
I would drop in a couple hundred lbs of dry ice and pour an ass load of hot water in.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:04 pm
by Killjoy
And if the cannon didn't fire youd still get a nice boom.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:57 pm
by frankrede
haha that sounds like a job for MYTHBUSTERS!

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:33 pm
by Killjoy
that would be one of the best shows ever if they tried that.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:51 pm
by Bubba05
I likes it mate looks sick!


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:27 pm
by VH_man
what bothered me in mythbusters was when they made the pneumatic cannonball launcher. they used unmodded sprinkler valves! AAAAHHHHHH

when they fired the thing, there was a FTTSSSTT and then a BLAM!!!!

if they had consulted Brian the BRain, they would have been able to reach a real cannons velocity, no doubt about it......

either that or they could have made a hybrid........ like yours.........

anyway, that hybrid of yours is pretty scary. my parents wont let me near combustion cannons anymore, and i dont even know waht they would say aobut a hybrid. hybrids are my dream. someday ill make one........

you sould get some better pics tho.
and btw, how long is your barrel?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:54 pm
by Killjoy
Yeah i know, and the pipe connecting the chambers, valves, and barrel was 1" pipe, which greatly restricted air flow.
Anyways, the barrel is 50 feet long of sch 40 2" pvc pipe, and i will have better pics by the end of next week (i finnaly put wheels on the combustion chamber so it doesn't take two guys to carry it around.)

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:52 am
by Killjoy
Hate to double post, but whatever.
It took nearly three months for me to get off my ass and shoot this thing a couple more times. After telling my boss about it, he started paying me to do demonstrations at this kids camp he runs (which the kids love).
Here are the damge pics at a computer I shot one day, this was a 5x mix with a 10 foot 2" barrel and a potato. Damn thing got blown of its base, hit a stump, and flew maybe 15 feet into the air and 20 feet back, and it was loud enough to leave me deaf for a couple minutes or so (stupid lack of ear protection).
The final demonstration for the summer ended badly, as the spark strip melted from all the firings (made of vinyl tubing and electrical tape) and failed when I tried a 6x times mix. So I had to fix it, finnally getting it to the point that I could do a 1.5x mix without trouble.
Despite the small mix, the shot was still pretty powerful, blowing the computer back pretty far.
Heres the video, I love how the thing tumble backs and then all the pieces fly off. ... V00166.flv
And a single damage pic

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:54 am
by Velocity
Insane dude... but again, could you take some higher quality, brighter pictures of the actual cannon... thanks

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:00 am
by Killjoy
i changed a couple of the pics on the first page, they're much clearer.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:25 pm
by Dornep
This is the worlds largest hybrid... Am I wrong?

Absolutely amazing job! I want to make a large hybrid too, but this is insane!

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:41 pm
by Fnord
Holy crap... I can't imagine what 6x would do had it worked properly. Are you still using the pvc barrel? It might run a risk of fragmenting from repeated shock loads that fear would give at 6x.

For further computer related destruction: ... 5022370276
We did this about 2 years ago:)


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:01 pm
by Killjoy
you hyjacking basterd... just kidding. That videos pretty funny though, I'm guessing you used flash powder, right?
And now that i think about it, it was probably better the 6x mix didn't work, since i had nothing between me and the barrel.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:13 am
by n3rdkw
This is a BEAST
But one question though.
Why does the cannon jump forward when fired?
Shouldn't it recoil backwards?

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:34 am
by Killjoy
Cause i couldn't bolt the barrel on tight enough, so when i would fire it the barrel would blow out of the coupler and go foreward a few feet. The actual combustion chamebr wold slide back about a foot or so.