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Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:06 pm
by inonickname
-Idea: 18.5; It's been done in a similar configuration by tippman but the use of a venturi to deliver a stoichometric fuel load is great.

-Use of materials: 4.3; It's obvious a lot of work has been put into this. It flows nicely and the colors are well matched, but as has been said it looks like you've added some aesthetics that made it bulkier.

-Creativeness: 9.5; Hell, how often do you see a rapid fire combustion tennis ball launcher.

-Quality of build: 4.5; It's extremely neat and tidy though I believe that the electronics could be mounted in a better face. No sticky tape, glue etc exposed. Very good.

-Function: 9.8; No jams, misfeeds or anything. The only thing I could try tell you to improve would be the flow through the venturi used in metering.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:35 pm
by Carlman
-Idea: 19 - Its going to sound like everyone is parroting, but yes It cannot score full points in my book as the ida is 100% new.

-Use of materials: 4.5 - Nice work with taking the time to cut curves not just straight lines with the plates. Would have been nice to see a homemade grip too.

-Creativeness: 10 - There has been talk but no revealed working gun.

-Quality of build: 4.75 - As said above electronics need to be concealed, other than that the final build is beuatiful.

-Function: 10 - Works as intended.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:05 am
by Technician1002
Back on subject, this is a fantastic build. I would like more details on the fueling & venting system. The drawings for it are a work of art with attention to detail and with a little humor tossed in. Made me smile. A very enjoyable entry and nice build.

I think the last few posts should be moved to a contest discussion, not one of the entries. This is entry #1.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:44 am
by Brian the brain
I must be going mad.

So now it is unique because there is another one just like it.

??? :roll:

Okay...I'll end this..

It IS an entirely new cannon, so the entry is valid.

Excuse me for not knowing the builder made two..

Innovative: 0 no denying it has been done before.
The rest is all A+..
And it would have been the most innovative if it wasn't for the timing of this competition.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:03 pm
So this is still in the running then?
I might have voted for it even if it had been a year old! :P
(Still checking out the rest though).
BTW, Shiver me timbers!, thought Solar be the matie who built this one!!! :roll: 8)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:27 pm
does it really matter that the guy built or designed it before the contest ?? if it's his design then it's not a problem for me

you know what... you're right...
let them disqualify him because of this...this way anyone with an innovative idea would keep it to himself and wait for the next contest to start... :?

see my point ?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:07 pm
by chenslee
First of all, the cannon built for this contest didn't start being designed until June. It was scratch built for this project and used NONE of the parts from the previous cannon.

A DRAWING of the previous cannon was posted on this site in JANUARY. The cannon for this contest was not operational until August. Last I checked a year is 12 months and it's September now. So even if go by a drawing of the PREVIOUS cannon, it still hasn't been a year.


The first post about the old cannon was on 1/29. The last post about the old cannon was 6/24. ... 17245.html

"The idea can be based off other things, just new to SpudFiles and the spudding world."

"Cannon may not be an old previously posted project, it must be fresh to the community and spudding world. "

The cannon built for this contest was never posted on spudfiles until the contest. It was based on original ideas presented by the builder earlier in the year.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:10 pm
I believe that explaination.
Looks like this entry has got the win so far,
If it's still as close, I might vote for the one with no votes just so the guy doesn't feel bad... :P
(Or not since there's a second place)
Looks very innovative while professional too.
Whoever loses still has an awesome launcher though!!!8)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:35 pm
by Brian the brain
see my point ?
Yes I do.

Concidered there are only 5 entries, we are lucky to have it.
I don;t have a problem with the builder, nor the cannon.
I genuinely thought he had entered an old cannon.
I was just a bit confused as to the rules of entry

The other side of it is, he IS the first to build anything like this.
I was too harsh.THe idea it was an old cannon clouded my judgement.In my opinion there was only one innovating cannon left.
If I offended anyone, the builder or anyone else, I apologise.

about the rules:
PC guy set them and if he says it's in , it's in.

Plus I'm a bit disappointed..
Seeing that everyone has had a lot of trouble finding a real innovation, I think I should have entered the Sawed-off or Old Shat with an onboard pump.
I was willing to go all out, but I was beaten to it when it comes to the pump and felt the idea was no innovation.Turns out it would have been okay to enter.... :?

If I did this cannon would have beaten me fair and square anyway.. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:24 pm
by spudamine
Easy to say in hindsight, but maybe we should of just not put any restrictions on the contest and seen what we got?
It looks a little like that's what we got anyway, just people didn't really realise. After all the contest has showed that a very well finished cannon that's not that innovative can do very well in the voting and vice versa.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:28 pm
by Brian the brain
That would be another contest.
In December we could do a cannon of 2009 competition.
So not to get the smae winner as this contest, these cannons should be excluded..

Darn...he would still be able to enter with version 1... :D

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:50 pm
by jrrdw
No more discussion weather or not if this cannon should be in, it's in thats that. Anything else about it being in or out will be deleted without notice.

If you want to dicuss the cannon it's self, feel free.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:46 pm
by Moonbogg
About the range, does this cannon shoot the ball farther than you could throw it?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:00 pm
by MrCrowley
In the voting thread, the builder said a range of 85 yards max.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:36 pm
by Moonbogg
MrCrowley wrote:In the voting thread, the builder said a range of 85 yards max.
Oh I could throw probably 3/4 that distance with a tennis ball. Still pretty impressive though.