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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:07 am

well, my [removed] is still sitting on my desk, waiting on me to fix it. When it is fixed, it will provide 35,000 volts for ignition of a [removed].

DYI, I got sick yesterday as well. I have to say that once I got over the aching muscles, sore throat, headache, and fever, it was quite enjoyable not being bugged on Valentines day. I could have taken the day to work on the above, but decided that laying on the couch with an ice-rag over my head and intermittently working on numerical integration would be much funner. Of course, it made my headache worse trying to approximate definite integrals of ugly sons of b****es like f(x)=sqrt(x)*sin(x) from (pi/2) to pi, but I got a little done.

So March 14<sup>th</sup> will just have to be steak day, then, JSR? :wink:
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:32 am

i has sick this week. had come home 'cos was no well.

It's a virus I think, and stress hasn't helped.

However, my mind was flipped anyway, and so today, I woke up with a nearly complete design for a propane powered engine for a small kart, sort of a combination between lots of different engine types.

Right now, I'm looking at modelling the torque and power curves for it. My guess is it will end up in the region of a few dozen horsepower.
Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:01 am

Wow, when I get sick, I vomit..
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:10 am

This is the same sort of thing. When I get unwell, instead of regurgitating a combination of old food, my mind gets into a mixed-up state where it regurgitates a blend of old ideas.

I think this is a mix between my automatic combustion idea and my old concept for an air powered engine, but I'm not sure.
Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:32 am

mopherman wrote:working out plans for an electric hammer valve that works a little like an electric airsoft gun. Also making a springer for the little bro.
Let me know how that turns out, iv been thinking about something simmaliar for a while but havent really gotten anywhere. :?
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:50 pm

Here is the circuit board from my AA BBQ Ignitor. The center of the front side is the battery negative and the positive is right below that. The blue thing up top I believe is the capacitor, the writing on it is as follows; (Y)CBB22 1UF J 400V. right below the capacitor on the right hand side printed on the board is Q1 and right below that Q2. Q1 has printed on it 2A222J and Q2 has SS8050 D 331. Below Q1 & Q2 is a resistor labeled R1, starting from the top down the colors are brown, black, black, blue, orange. The other three things on the board I have no idea what the hell they are, but here are the numbers anyway. In the upper left deal is labeled as G1V22 (X or Y i cant tell). The component has GV249 written on it. The one below that is labeled as FR107 and has FR107 and MIC Written on it. As far as the big block thing at the very bottom there is nothing written on it and nothing labeled underneath the component. I hope this helps anyone looking to make a one, or atleast gives everyone a greater understanding of how these AA BBQ Ignitors work.
Front of the board
Front of the board
Back of the board.  This was rotated 180 degrees on it's vertical axis.
Back of the board. This was rotated 180 degrees on it's vertical axis.
Last edited by BigGrib on Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
Yea, that's definitely going to get you at least a tazer.
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:23 pm

u know, a bbq ignition circuit is a lot like a flash circuit from a disposable camera..... almost the same accually.

you could just take apart a disposable camera and remove the flash bulb, then solder wires to the inputs where the bulb was connected.

and wala! a stun gun/ ignitor :wink: for more details google it

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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:30 pm

Yeah this is true, but we've all been wondering what is inside them for a while now and I dont think anyone else has been able to tear one apart since they are encased in epoxy. I also dont think anyone would tear one that works apart just to see what components are in it. I was fortunate enough, or unfortunate depending on how you look at it, to have this one die on me after I tried to mod it to run with 9V, which does not work, you will fry it,, so I ended up de constructing it with a hammer and screwdriver, thereby giving everyone an in depth look at these components for the first time. Anyway enough putting myself over, I really do hope this helps anyone who was interested in these.
Yea, that's definitely going to get you at least a tazer.
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:39 pm

nice work, and thanks for sacrificing your time so we could see the circuit :thumbup:

i have a stun gun that died on me and cant figure what the f*ck went wrong with it, i tried re-connecting everything and still nothing, so i give up....ill just go buy a bbq ignitor :cussing:

btw, anyone know how much an electric bbq igniter costs and if they have them at fleet farm or home depot??

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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:43 pm

The electric like I have I jacked from my neighbors old bbq after his wife left it on overnight and the whole thing melted. You can get a replacement from CharBroil online for $30 USD. I have yet to see them in Home Depot, but others here have.

As far as your taser, have you checked the default gap inside the unit to make sure that it's set properly? That's about the only thing I know about tasers.
Yea, that's definitely going to get you at least a tazer.
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:45 pm

Imortal87 wrote:
mopherman wrote:working out plans for an electric hammer valve that works a little like an electric airsoft gun. Also making a springer for the little bro.
Let me know how that turns out, iv been thinking about something simmaliar for a while but havent really gotten anywhere. :?
I think that i have a pretty sound plan. The only little thing is that i might not be able to find the gearing for my motor.
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:48 pm

thanks for the bbq igniter info. :P
As far as your taser, have you checked the default gap inside the unit to make sure that it's set properly? That's about the only thing I know about tasers.
sure did, i even re-bent it to its exact gap distance to what it should be and still no luck... after about 40 mins of dealing with that crap, i felt like killing something :banghead: so i went outside with my paintball gun and shot at air.

thanks again
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:08 pm

I built a great stress relief tool a few weeks ago, out of random offcuts in my shop. Don't have much stress right now (actually quite the opposite), but it's nice to have around and, as you can imagine, packs a bit more punch than the old nunchaku.

The heavy bit on the end is 8 pounds of 2.5" hardened steel round bar.
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:53 pm

Hey when you swing that thing wicked hard watch out the heavy end
doesn't fly off and wreck your budget.
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:02 pm

got the nuts'n'bolts for my springer plunger. I tried putting them together at home and realized that i had *shit* mad the mistake of trusting the "1/4 hex nut" label at the store.
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