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New, Don't know where to start / Look

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 10:57 pm
by Josheh
Hello guys, I'm currently looking into making my first air pressure gun, I've never made something like this before, But i have time on my hands, I'm bored, And I've always wanted to try and get into doing this type of stuff.

Thing is, I have no idea where to start, I'm looking at making something like aa Marble Gun, a user on youtube has one that look's pretty beginner like and easy for me to get started -

Could i get as much help, or could somebody please explain to me where to start?

P.S. I love the community, I haven't been Registered, But I've looked a bit.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:10 pm
by BigGrib
I think it would be wise to start off in the Spudfiles Wiki and try and learn as much as you can.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:11 pm
by Josheh
Thank you mate!

The kid in the Youtube video didn't look any older than 14, And I'm 21, Surely it can't be that hard to do?

The spud guns, and my marble gun i want to make are practically the same thing right? "Stupid question" :roll:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:48 pm
by Carlman
Best bet would be to start with a modded sprinkler pnuematic (air) gun. Scince you are an aussie (i assume because of .au youtube) 15mm PN18 pvc fits marbles just fine, If not then its 1/2". You will want a chamber to barrel ratio over 1:1 for decent power.

Here is a thread on modding a solenoid valve: LINK

I am only spoonfeeding you because you used excellent grammer and so on, but try to do more searching before you post like this again.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:18 am
by Josheh
Thanks mate, Yeah I've been searching for a while now, and looking stuff up, I was going to buy like a kit, But I've decided i hate doing things the easy way, And the main reason why i wanted to do this was because of the Free time i have at the moment.

I'll look into that Carlman, Thank you!

Edit: Yeah mate, I'm an Aussie! And I'm not the greatest at Grammar, But i bloody hate the "waz u doin m8?" type talk, it's hard to understand, And it's just as easy for me to type the whole thing.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:24 am
by BC Pneumatics
A pneumatic launcher like the one you want to build breaks down into three main parts. First you have the chamber that holds your pressurized air. This is the energy source for your shot. Think of it as the equivalent to the gun powder in a firearm. Next is the valve. It is the valve's job to hold the pressurized air in the chamber until you are ready to fire the cannon. When you open your valve, the air is released, and expands to push the projectile down the barrel, which is the third main component.

Now, you will also need some way to fill the cannon. The simplest way is a schrader valve, like the one pinched from a tire inner tube in the video you posted. A more professional, and safer way to do things is use a threaded schrader valve that you can screw into the chamber. (Make sure to always place holes in the thickest part of the launcher possible. Usually where a fitting overlaps the chamber pipe.)

A pressure gauge is also a good idea, though if you are filling with a bicycle pump, it may already have one built in.

Of course, this is only a small portion of the things that I could tell you, but the info on pneumatic launchers that some people around here carry around in their heads would fill a small novel. Luckily it is leaked about all over the forums, and available in a more unified format on the Wiki. Besides, you are looking for something to occupy your free time- it would be mean of me to post everything you need to know here, and deprive you of hours of research. :wink:

Of course stumbling around taking in whatever information crosses your path does not get you everything you will need. In this case a search will usually turn up the specific information you are looking for, and if that fails, the "New Topic" button is there for a reason.

It probably sounds a bit ridiculous to get commended for speaking English, but you seem familiar with the reason we are so impressed with your writing. We get more than our fair share of "omgz m8 my cannon just blu up wut 4 wen i did every thing rite". I have my concerns about how well someone can utilize a potentially deadly cannon if they cannot even manage to speak the language they have been around since birth. No one will get on your case about grammatical errors, since it is obvious they are honest mistakes, and are not from a simple lack of effort. We have members here from quite a few countries, and many of them speak English that is a bit suspect.

In short, you cannot take a step here without tripping over quality information, and do not be afraid to ask when you run into a specific problem. You will be amazed at how much you know after a week or so of reading old topics.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:05 am
by Josheh
thank you mate, Yeah i was hoping to be spending 99% of my time in the shed working on this, But it seems I'm going to need to research for quite a while before hand.

If I'm filling the chamber with air using a compressor that has a gauge, i won't need one then will i? I guess it would be good to have one, But i have Absolutely no idea how it would work, Again i won't ask on here. I guess a simple search will help me.

This is my plan so far:

Get a list of all the products i will need and try and find them locally, "I'll have trouble if i have to search over sea's or online for goods"

After I've got everything I need I can then research whats the best way of making it, Thing is, I don't know what i would need apart from the things you told me, So I'll go do some more research. :D

Thanks for your time mate.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:09 am
by Pyro Ninja
Just keep looking at other cannons on this site and eventually everything will just "click". :D
My first air "gun", simple ballvalve pneumatic. ... t7627.html

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:04 am
by Tooo Easssyy
Good on ya mate, best thing in the world to do !!!!!

hahahah i know that guy and he was like 15 or so, he's gun aint to bad but i herd it cost him a bit to build (secret) i dont know why though.

ive look around and found so helpful info that sourted me out, hope it helps


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:49 am
by SpudFarm
i can help you if you want the gun in the last vid since it is mine :D

i don't want to talk this thread full of talking.. just add me on msn if you are interessed :)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:46 am
by TurboSuper
Short version: Wiki>Sprinkler Valve Mod How-To> Pneumatic Showcase.

And you're right, building a basic pneumatic is piss easy. Just don't make the "newb" mistake of using a ball valve.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:05 pm
by Carlman
TurboSuper wrote:Short version: Wiki>Sprinkler Valve Mod How-To> Pneumatic Showcase.

And you're right, building a basic pneumatic is piss easy. Just don't make the "newb" mistake of using a ball valve.
its not a mistake to use a BV, id like to see anyother valve withstand say unregulated c02 with out fail everytime.

a bv is good to start with if unexperienced