oxygen tank

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Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:54 pm

Hello all,

I found two oxygen tanks which appear to be empty but I won't assume so. I want to use them as air storages by filling with a compressor then topping up with a stirrup pump.

I was hoping someone on here has experience with these because I want to remove the fittings in the safest way possible. Any help is much appreciated!
Fitting on tank
Fitting on tank
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Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:39 pm

Welding cylinders like that (I presume it is by the looks of it ) usually have a release valve at the top, open it until you can't hear any noise, and keep it open while you try and take the lid off.

As for removing the valve itself, I've never taken one off an oxygen tank but I've taken one off a helium tank, I'm presuming the process is the relatively the same.

Safest approach to opening it is just common sense really, when you're opening it, have the valve pointing at something you don't care about, so even if it does fly off it won't hurt anything you don't want it to

To turn it, the valve should fit inside a spanner quite nicely with that square shape, also it's probably worth saying sometimes they seal those things in with a bit of thread sealant, so they can be a pain in the ass to get going, but it's possible.
Open it slowly, if at any point you start hearing gas rush around the valve, don't keep turning!

Hope that helps,

How are you planning on hooking it up after you get the valve out?
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Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:59 pm

How are you planning on hooking it up after you get the valve out?

By finding an adapter to convert to npt

Thanks, I'll definitely try tinkering with it a bit before I start using a lot of force
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