barrel stuff

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Tue May 24, 2005 8:06 pm

Does anyone know where to get sdr 21 and sch 80 or exactly how to make a golf ball barrel because i only see that there is that way and sleeving 2" sch40 with 2" sch40 and i really want some major distance (ya know like happy gilmore style yet in a spud gun sense)
and i cant get to the how to get to the barrel extension how to because i have seen many people talking about it but have never found it myself
on another note would a burst disk be helpful in a combustion gun to create more pressure behind the potato at an instentaneous moment or is the more subtle yet not subtle at all push of the explosion enough
thanks ya'll
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Aaron ?????
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Wed May 25, 2005 1:14 am

for the barrell extension

i have a 1\2 " brarrel on one of my guns so i sanded out the stop ring off of two 1\2" to 1" reducers then i glued a 1" male adapter on one and a female adapter on the other then slid the barrell thru one and the extension thru the other screwed it up,i marked where the barrell and the extension will be glued then undid it and glued it all up

by doing this it sort of clamps the barrell to the extension and seals it off
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Wed May 25, 2005 3:30 am

SDR 21 is hard to find, but aaron on the forums sells it i believe, as for the union, it will help, but only makes a big difference when your C:B ratio is screwed up
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Wed May 25, 2005 5:26 am

my chamber to barrel ratio is really screwed up right now because it is about 2.4:1 and in order for me to make it an ok ratio i need to make about a 9-12 ft barrel and also does anyone else know how to make a barrel extension because no offence but i understood none of that
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Wed May 25, 2005 2:22 pm

If you use 1 1/2" pipe it fits practice range balls with no wadding. That would be alot less hassle then trying to find all that other stuff.
Aaron ?????
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Wed May 25, 2005 11:21 pm

hold on propane power ill go look for the site now ok????
Aaron ?????
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Wed May 25, 2005 11:27 pm

found it !!!!!!!!!

sorry about sending the message twice my internet was playing up.
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Thu May 26, 2005 7:00 am

If you are useing a sleeved barrel, you can always do what I do. Make your inside pipe of the barrel section connected to the chamber about 1 foot short. Then, when you sleeve the extention, have an extra foot sticking out. simply slide the two together, and vola. Also, if you aer meking a relativly long extention, you can use a coupler around the outside pipe to help with strength.
Just a more streamline way of doing things ;)
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