2nd Favorite cannon on the site election

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Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:36 am

This post split from this thread: http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/quote-o ... 23488.html

I don't particularly like this idea, as it seems rather pointless and strays too far into the realm of off topic discussion. I'd prefer to see the effort diverted to something more spudgun related.

What about a "cannon of the week" type contest? Members can initially nominate several of their favourite launchers on the site (Not necessarily their own), and every week the individual elected to run the event can select 2 cannons to face off against each other. It would function in a similar manner to this contest from 2008.
I think it should go for entire posts, for example picture people post, instead of just a quote.
I think it's best to discourage the regular posting of this type of material, for one because only a few members are able to pull it off in a humorous and topic appropriate manner, and also because we don't want Spudfiles turning into 4chan lite.

Edited by jrrdw.
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Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:46 am

I forgot all about this little contest. I'll get clearance, clean it up, give props and then open it. Thank's Spudblaster15 for bringing this back up!