what do members think about the hobby?

Meaningful discussion outside of the potato gun realm. Projects, theories, current events. Non-productive discussion will be locked.
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Sat May 17, 2008 12:49 pm

spudfarm wrote:
frankrede wrote:Bullshit to half the posts here.
This hobby is NOT "Primitive"
This is a hobby I am not embarrassed of, and you shouldn't be either
I showed my girlfriend my cannons and tell her about them, and in fact she finds them interesting and impressive.
it IS primitive. the same things every day. new cannons just gives bigger holes and a new ammo just make a different hole.

i talk to all of my friends about them and most of them want me to build one for them also one of my teachers was here and looked at my work.
the strange thing is that it is only embassassing the first time you say it.
Why don't you actually build something thats actually takes a brain to design, until then, your right, you are primitive.
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Sat May 17, 2008 12:50 pm

I wouldn't call this a primative hobby. The content of this forum serves as enough proof for me. :wink:
My friends pretty much all are highly impressed with the hobby, and people know me at school as "the kid who builds cannons." I do have a friend who hates me because of the hobby (he took one of my designs on graph paper, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it, calling it trash) and my parents aren't thrilled, but I feel that this is a much more rewarding hobby than playing videogames and volleyball like everyone else around here.
The feeling of satisfaction that you get once you complete an awesome gun and blast a hole in something is undescribable. I don't care if you get a chainsaw in gears of war or an RPG in GTA4; building something this awesome just can't be beat. Overall, I'd say this has got to be the best hobby in the world. :D
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Sat May 17, 2008 12:50 pm

This is not a primitive hobby.

@Spudfarm, I do much more than just make bigger cannons, I make more advanced systems and the goal is not always to make a bigger hole. For example, my current project is making a fully autonomous tank that will lock onto and shoot its targets without any user control. For this I need to make a custom gun to mount on it so that it can fire multiple shots on its own.

I am also not ashamed of this hobby, and everyone that I tell always finds it awesome and interesting, including my hopefully soon to be girlfriend.
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Sat May 17, 2008 12:58 pm

http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/hybrid- ... 13602.html
http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/viewtop ... tml#183267
http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/optimal ... ter,0.html

Primitive? Bulls</i>hit. If I can find those four examples in about 25 seconds, I would be incredibly suspicious of anyone calling themselves a spudder, while saying the hobby was 'primitive.'
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Sat May 17, 2008 2:42 pm

markfh11q wrote:
This is the sort of hobby that you don't usually share with your girlfirends, or grandparents, or any other person who is nieve, or stuck up haha
Bullshit. Me and my friend brought potato cannons to our friends' Hope, Ani, Eli, and Caleidg's (mispelled horribly, but pronounced kaley) party last night. People liked them except for Hope who just doesn't like loud noises, apparently. Also used the propane meter to help start the bonfire (lot's of wet wood, took several gallons of diesel with a gasoline "catalyst" to start).
I agree, bullshit. I shipped my original cannon (SpudMonster) up to one of my family reunions in Idaho. Pretty much everyone there came to see me fire it and was amazed. My 87 year old Great Uncle shot it multiple times and loved it.
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Sat May 17, 2008 2:49 pm

By the way spudfarm,


Primitive my ass.
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Sat May 17, 2008 2:51 pm

SpudMonster wrote:By the way spudfarm,


Primitive my ass.
I guess my link just wasn't good enough :roll: :D
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Sat May 17, 2008 3:23 pm

Primitive? No.
It takes a good brain doing some big thinking to come up with a good gun.
What you mean with primive, that its not professional. But its an hobby!
And its one of the most technological and scientific advanced hobby's around.

And this hobby is great.
People are really impressed by these cannons and they are really in a "WTFBBQ thats awesome" mood after theyve seen one going off.

After I blasted trough a woodboard and accedentically trough the barn door in the same shot with a "simple" combustion, my dad understanded that this internet thing was serious and it was more then just tossing out potatos. He found it awesome and fixed the door :D
Im always allowed to build cannons, but, in the future I should watch out that I only damage my own property and not theirs xD
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Sat May 17, 2008 3:37 pm

okay, think about the name of the post for a second. and let me say i dont think the hobby is primitive, but if that is someones opinion, someone who uses the site, your not gonna change it with a primitive arument like "look here" or "no its not!"... [/rant]

I think its a great hobby, with a large variety of cannons to build and modifications to add its a great way to express your ingenuity. I have built several 2" cannons, and while i would like to build a 2 1/2" cannon(tennis balls) I think most of my future cannons will be small complex cannons.
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Sat May 17, 2008 5:20 pm

the reason I think spudfarm said primative is because a huge part of the spudding community simply make bigger cannons. I agree some parts of the hobby are primative and there isnt enough innovation.

I however am an innovation freak and I'll never think there is enough innovation. I always try to create something new and creative.... that is why I love the hobby.

Primitive = No
Not enough innovation = Yes
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Sat May 17, 2008 5:37 pm

yeah, dacidvaini I think you got it right. I sometimes feel embarrised as I keep talking about my homemade bb guns etc but they develop really slow atm. That makes it look childish in a way. But yeah it might be that my tools are limiting my innovations:) Anyways I am in uni now, studying aerospace engineering. I try to use the theory of fluid flow and dynamics and apply it my my creations. I am so much into simulation, its awesome if you can figure something on paper and then prove it in real life or the other way around
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Sat May 17, 2008 5:50 pm

I was looking at aerospace engineering for Uni, was it very hard to get into?
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Sat May 17, 2008 6:01 pm

Considering most of the principles(physic laws, theories and material) used on this website have been around for years, PRIMITIVE stands as an accurate description. While the combination of said principles is occasionally innovative, most of the time it isn't anything new. Get over it girls, your trying to reinvent the Model T while the Koenigsegg is parked in your neighbors yard.

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Sat May 17, 2008 6:05 pm

By extension, spudfarm, would you say that all rocketry is primitive because you can build a rocket that doesn't go very far with a drink bottle and a bike pump? Like most things, this hobby is only as primitive as you make it.
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Sat May 17, 2008 6:07 pm

DYI wrote:this hobby is only as primitive as you make it.
lol, there's an award winning signature If I ever saw one lol.

Nicely said!
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