paintball howitzers

Show us your pneumatic spud gun! Discuss pneumatic (compressed gas) powered potato guns and related accessories. Valve types, actuation, pipe, materials, fittings, compressors, safety, gas choices, and more.
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Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:03 pm

i recently got a job at fox paintball and the feild needs 2 howitzers or mortars for their scenario games. and my boss wants me to build him two cannons. so i was wondering if any body had any ideas or designs for a howitzer or mortar to shoot hundreds of paintballs in the air to rain down on enemy players .they will be fired by me and my assistant so they dont have to be simple because i actually have enough knowledge about pneumatics and i will understand them better than a regular player. and the mortars need to be small like these ... 5b13.2.htm

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Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:51 am

Just use a simple modded sprinkler valve design. Include a safety ballvalve.

Easy, cheap, reliable, and safe.
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Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:59 am

Well in what ever design you choose your going to want the gun to operate at high trajectory angles. Shooting anything with a flatter trajectory and you could increase the risk of injury.

If your looking to build one yourself, but are hung up on the design why not run over to Google Image and search for PVC/Paint ball/Airsoft Mortar? I did it an found a good 8-10 different designs that looked like they would work for you. From there figure out which parts are needed, and build it. If your not entirely sure about what parts are needed feel free to ask for help. But to just flop out such a broad, limit less question with your post count is kind of embarrassing.

Also I wouldn't suggest using a ball valve as your main valve. I have a little mortar gun that uses a ball valve and it sucks trying to stay clear of rounds path, but get at a good angle to crank on the ball valve.
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Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:23 am

If you want to get some accuracy, you will need to have consistency, and thus a ballvalve is out of the question.
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Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:13 pm

This is not exactly what your looking for, but it would still be bada$$ for paintball. You could fire grape shot instead of nerfs.

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Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:22 pm

You could honestly just look at that picture and build the gun.

I know i could build one right now that would be perfect for you, just from seeing the picture.
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