Im starting to build my first Spud Cannon made from PVC pipe as seen on this page:
This is for a Tech class project and we are trying to make it like an actual rocket launcher were the person holding it is the one to ignite. we (me and my class mates) are looking for and electronic ignitor similar to the on in this video:
since it would be easier to to tape the wire the pipe going up so the person holding it canignit it themselves unlike in the video
if anybody can help and tell us what kind wee to get it and how much if possible
i wil be checking this daily and checking my email daily so please help
thank you
Looking for a good ignitor
Ever notice how some of the newer BBQs have electric ignitors that take a AA battery? Well go to a store such as home depot or something similar I bought mine at canadian tire. But you want the replacement ignitor which is usually always universal for several types of BBQs if not all. Here they run about $30CDN after taxes. But do not play around with them alot before installing one or you might break it as the wires are easy to break if twisted wrong but other than that this ignitor has done me fine. Some people like latern ignitors as well. ... _3d399.jpg
ok ill check it out when i we get the supplies for the cannon since i live in the US it might cost diffrently or so. thanks alot ill go check it out for shur.
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what signature
what signature