Question about GGDT usage...

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Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:40 pm

judgment_arms wrote:Might I make a suggestion?
In the “valve type” drop down menu, would it be possible to have “generic sprinkler valve” as on option with the average data of a sprinkler valve plugged in and all the user has to enter is whether it’s electrically or pneumatically triggered, how big the pilot volume is if it’s pneumatically triggered, and what size valve it is?
I've been thinking about this one....

On the one hand, the engineer (read: purist) in me doesn't like the idea as I see it opening the door for all sorts of, "If you have a sprinkler valve, why don't you have an Acme XYZ valve?" I simply do NOT want to get into such discussions (been there, done that, PITA!).

On the other hand, I understand what you're saying. The sprinkler valve is ubiquitious especially amongst newbies. Thus, the benefit of such a feature is two-fold given that the people who are least likely to understand the other valve dialogs are also the most likely to use the sprinkler valve.

In fact, the "Design Library" portion of the GGDT webpage was in fact supposed to be my way of balancing these issues. The idea was that people could go there and download gun data files and modify them. Data for generic sprinkler valves (both 1" and 2" models) are there and available for download/copying.

As I type this, I actually find myself getting pissed off. The data is available from the very site that the software was downloaded. Are these people really THAT fracking lazy? And if they are, why should I give them the time of day?

I'll stop now to let my blood pressure drop.
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Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:17 pm

Actually that’s what I did, I downloaded the sample gun and modify it every time I need to run a sprinkler valved cannon simulation.
I just thought it would be nice to be able to select it from a menu; that way, if I want to see how a sprinkler valve compares to another valve I can just flip between valve types.
D_Hall wrote: On the one hand, the engineer (read: purist) in me doesn't like the idea as I see it opening the door for all sorts of, "If you have a sprinkler valve, why don't you have an Acme XYZ valve?" I simply do NOT want to get into such discussions (been there, done that, PITA!).
Simple answer: “because I don’t”
And when they ask why not tell ‘em: “because”
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Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:45 pm

POLAND_SPUD wrote:It sometimes crashes when I use gun optimization tool and "division by zero error' ocures but I've noticed it happends only when I use metric units....
Again, there's that word... "sometimes." I need a specific example before I can do anything about it.

For example....
also one more thing GGDT displays pressure drop in PSI even if you tick 'Bar' in configuration menu....
You gave me a specific problem and just now I tracked it down and fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.
but I have one idea
It would be nice if there was a function that would allow GGDT to memorize muzzle energy and velocity of the gun so that you could make some changes (increase barrel etc) and then GGDT would show how much its energy and velocity improved in % yeah I know I can measure it myslef but it would be nice to have such function
Hmm... So what you're really looking for is a sensitivity tool.
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:40 am

sorry I'll try to be more specific

first of all I currently use ggdt 4.5 but I had the same problem with 4.4
GGDT crashes when I tick 'fixed chamber' in gun uptimizer tool and I click 'optimize' button... instantly a message "run time error '11' division by zero" occures
It happends only when I use metric units (I've converted the same design to imperial units and used the same fuction and everything was ok)

BTW thx for creating GGDT
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:58 pm

Does this happen for ANY gun (or is my next move to ask you for a screen capture of the gun that causes this to happen?)?
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:17 pm

yes it does happen for every gun - however when projectile initial position is "0" it crashes displaying "run time error '11' division by zero"
when there is any value other than '0' in that field it crashes displaying a message 'runtime error '1117' Index given is out of its bands'

here is a pic if you think it has anything to do with values inserted (this design crashed when I tried using gun optimizer; just like any other design :) )

try doing the same thing yourself you should get the same results
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:03 pm

POLAND_SPUD wrote:try doing the same thing yourself you should get the same results
I don't. Works just fine for me.
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:19 pm

hmmm that's suprising becasue it crashes everytime I use it.. I downloaded GGDT v4.6 and it crashes too :?
I could understand if it wasn't working at all but why it doesn't work only with metric units ? any idea what might be causing it?

well to be honest I use gun optimizer very rarely so it's not a problem

hey thx for including lg pack in GGDT 4.6 I'll try to make a polish pack
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:04 pm


OK.... I misread your original post. When you said "fixed chamber" I read "fixed barrel."

With fixed chamber, yes, I see the crash too. Very interesting.....
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:37 pm


OMG... If the bug was the proverbial snake it would have bitten me half a dozen times. You too!

The problem was actually not in the optimzation routine, it was in the plotting routine. To convert from meters to centimeters I was dividing by 100 rather than multiplying (doh!). While all this would do to the plotting routine was create (for those who were looking closely!) an odd looking X-axis, it would throw the optimize routine for a loop as that routine uses data stored in the plots.

As for the Polish language pack... When you get it written could you find some way to get it to me (assuming you don't mind it being packaged up with GGDT)?
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:50 pm

Updated version with both bug fixes now available online.
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:36 pm

thx D_Hall it's good to know that there are people dedicated to make thing better out there

to be honest I had the impression that GGDT was doing the process in the wrong way - that is - it was reducing the lenght of the barrel instead of increasing it...:?

yeah I'll send it to you as soon as it's ready and ofcourse I don't mind adding it... AFAIK I am the only pole here but who knows maybe this would help someone...
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Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:32 am

wow very nice D Hall, I like it..
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Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:46 am

I have translated to a Danish language pack, if you want it implemented just give a PM and ill be happy to send it to you.
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