Gort's Blue Flame II

Boom! The classic potato gun harnesses the combustion of flammable vapor. Show us your combustion spud gun and discuss fuels, ratios, safety, ignition systems, tools, and more.
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Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:42 am

Wow- Now that's one hell of a gun. How do you hold it when you shoot it?

I'm looking into making one almost exactly like it.
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Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:51 am

WOW! don't kick up topics to say wow!
Is your Google.com Broken?!
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Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:58 am

carlbelcher, did you miss the other 25 words he typed? As far as im concerned your post is even more worthless. Just PM a mod if you have such a problem. Damn thats really hard for you guys to get "PM a mod when you see a problem rather then cluttering the said topic with your complaint"
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Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:09 am

Holding it is really easy and comfortable. I have my right hand around the gun and on the handle. My left hand holds the barrel. The elbows go under my arm. This grip allows for any recoil to be easily absorbed effortlessly and for a very nice aim.

This is by far my favorite launcher and I'd be honored to have another clone of it floating around. (Boomer has one he calls the Red Flame which he and I made. Currently it's at my house here for when he comes over to shoot.)

If you wouls like some more details feel free to talk to me on Instant Messanger or Email.

Also, if you are interested, I actually make and sell the same ignition handle I use on this launcher to other people for theirs. It's very nice not having a project box dangling off your launcher and all those wires running around.
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Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:29 pm

sgort87 wrote:Holding it is really easy and comfortable. I have my right hand around the gun and on the handle. My left hand holds the barrel. The elbows go under my arm. This grip allows for any recoil to be easily absorbed effortlessly and for a very nice aim.

This is by far my favorite launcher and I'd be honored to have another clone of it floating around. (Boomer has one he calls the Red Flame which he and I made. Currently it's at my house here for when he comes over to shoot.)

If you wouls like some more details feel free to talk to me on Instant Messanger or Email.

Also, if you are interested, I actually make and sell the same ignition handle I use on this launcher to other people for theirs. It's very nice not having a project box dangling off your launcher and all those wires running around.

So it's kind of a hip gun. Cool. I sent you an IM over AIM. Maybe when you get back we can talk. I've got lots of q's so I'll ask there...
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Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:48 am

Nah, it's more like holding a rifle. Check out this picture of Boomer holding his Blue Flame clone I helped him with: http://f10.putfile.com/7/18916163735.jpg That's how I hold mine as well.
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Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:51 am

So his is the Red Flame? lol

Advice to boomer: paint the white parts black

What kind of ball valve is that? It's obviously PVC, but I've never saw once with black on one side and the handle on the other...

I wish people would stop needing a better signature!
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Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:28 pm

Yeah, they sell those at Menards. It's a 2" PVC ball valve. I think once you get up to around 1.25" ball valves they have that black circular flat part on the bottom.
Last edited by sgort87 on Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:51 pm

I cut off my cap end and put a 4" cleanout on it. I am currently working on wiring in a chamber fan salvaged from one of my computers laying around.

Anyways. I cant get mine to fire to save my life. If anything shouldnt i have flame out with an open barrel if i fire right away? I am using ether (and have tried brake cleaner, and tried my propane setup) to test my ignition system, which is frustrating becuase i KNOW that it has a constant spark to it, i can hear it ticking like crazy in there. So i am completely stumped. i've put to much money into it now to give up, and my wife wants the diningroom table back (and her potatos).

any thoughts?
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Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:20 pm

Well, you should have started another thread for this question, but I'll just answer it here.

You are using too much ether. You literally only need a quick tap on the nozzle to get the right fuel ammount. Not even half a second is needed. Try tiny tiny amounts and increase slightly if needed.
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Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:55 pm

nice gun what kind of stand do you have for it. Also where do you shoot all your guns so that your neighbors don flip a crap
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Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:47 pm

Hey Gort,
Absoultly mad gun - and the name blue flame suits it so well :twisted:.
i am building one nearly exactly the same but with-out interchangable barrels and with a normal PCV combustion chamber (not see-through).
also thinking of changing your design slightly and adding another handle with a fan button.

For the electronic ignition i am going to use a flyback transformer that i salvaged out of a massive tv screen. To power it i am going to use 2x 7.5v rechargable RC car battories. What do you use?

Was wondering if you had any construction tips/problems that i might need/encounter ?

Also, what size (length) is your meter pipe. I also see that you have a pressure regulater before your meter pipe. What psi do you usually put into your meter pipe?

Thanks mate for giving me this insperation.
Keep on building fantastic cannons (love the backpack design on your other cannon :D )

(Australia :) )
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Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:27 am

The videos doenst work on my damn pc. :(
The clear chamber cracked last Halloween due to the cold temperature and the shock from using it too much that night.
That sounds bad. Which maximum pressure does the chamber have ?
Do you have an picture of the cracked chamber i wanna know if it´s broken in big parts oder small parts ?
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Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:37 pm

Here's the picture of the old launcher with the crack. It happened nowhere near weak spots like drilled holes or anything meaning the chamber cracked from just being generally brittle.

<img src="http://www.spudfiles.com/uploader/uploadFiles/crack.jpg">
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Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:20 am

how did you know the size of pipe between both valves for the perfect shot thing. because i was thinking of making a propane injected gun
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